We’re excited to announce a new endpoint to get your Organization details.

Release date: 12/24/2020

Overview: New endpoint to get IDs related to your organization.

Purpose: When starting your integration to Orderful, you can call this new endpoint with your API Key to ensure you're connected to the right organization and to retrieve the important IDs that are part of your organization.

The endpoint is documented in our API reference.

Next up in Orderful is the ability to assign guidelines to relationships!

In the past, every organization is Orderful was allowed to have only a single guideline per transaction type, which was applied to all your relationships with matching transaction type and direction.

Going forward, an organization can have many published guidelines of the same type, that are then assignable to a relationship. The process of creating a guideline remains unchanged:

  • Go to the Guidelines settings page.
  • Click "Create Guideline".
  • Enter your guideline in draft mode.
  • Publish the guideline when it's ready.

Published guidelines are not automatically enforced on your relationships. Instead, published guidelines are assignable to relationships, under relationship settings.

Once assigned, a guideline is used to validate data flowing through the relationship. For more information about guidelines, please see our Knowledge Base.

We are excited to release another improvement to our platform: Poller communication channels!

When you create a Poller communication channel, Orderful will generate a new API endpoint that you can use to retrieve your transactions. Along with this improvement comes the ability to resend inbound transactions from the UI and to confirm a transaction's delivery using our API.

You can see the API documentation here: https://docs.orderful.com/reference/pollingcontroller_list

For step-by-step instructions on how to set this up, please see here:

We're excited to launch a new feature in Orderful: Communication Channel Testing.

For each inbound HTTP or AS2 Communication Channel connected to your internal systems, you can now directly send a test file over and check the connection is up and running.

Send a test to a Communication Channel

From the right side panel of an inbound Communication Channel, you now have the option to "Send a test". You can choose to send one of the generic Orderful test files or upload your own custom test file.

Orderful then displays a test summary that contains:

  • The test status
  • The test file you sent
  • The delivery proofs (if any)
  • The delivery logs

Test an HTTP Communication Channel

When testing an HTTP Communication Channel:

  • The test status can only be “Delivered”, “Failed” or “Timed-out”.
  • The HTTP response code appears on the “Log” row.
  • The full HTTP Response is stored as a file on the Received row.

Test an AS2 Communication Channel

When testing an AS2 Communication Channel:

  • The test status is “Pending” until your AS2 server sends a final successful or failed delivery notification. The test status then becomes “Delivered”, “Failed” or “Timed-out”.
  • The Message Disposition Notification (MDN) is stored as a file on the Received row.
  • The “Log” row displays all delivery notifications received.

We’re excited to announce a new feature: Transaction upload. 

You can now upload an X12 or JSON transaction from the transactions list view.

  • You can upload a .json, .x12 or .txt file
  • The content of the file must be either JSON or X12
  • You can upload only 1 file at a time
  • The size of the file must be less than 1MB

Orderful will display a notification on the bottom left of your screen with the result of your upload.

Here is the list of known failure reasons:

  • The partnership doesn’t exist in Orderful
  • The sender doesn’t exist in Orderful
  • The receiver doesn’t exist in Orderful
  • The relationship doesn’t exist in Orderful
  • The relationship in SETUP
  • The file couldn’t be parsed

More details in these articles:

We revamped and extended our existing feature: Copy to Test.

From a Transaction details page, copying a transaction now triggers a confirmation.

A notification confirms the copy has been successfully created on the bottom left and you are then redirected to the copied transaction.

We also now allow you to copy inbound transactions. 


Copying an inbound transaction means you will create a transaction as a receiver.

More details in this article: https://orderful.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058685294-Copy-a-Transaction

Orderful now allows you to create a transaction whether you are the sender or receiver of the transaction. 


Before this release, Orderful only allowed you to create transactions if you were the sender of the transaction.

If you’re migrating to Orderful from a legacy system, this feature can help you to import existing live X12 transactions sent by your partner that you can use to test your integration.

You can create a transaction in Orderful using different methods:

When the creator is different than the sender, the creator of a transaction - you or your partner- is identified from the transaction list view or from the transaction page.


When transactions are created by the receiver, the test stream is automatically assigned.

If your partner created an outbound transaction as a receiver on your behalf, you should see some features deactivated as a sender:

  • Transaction notifications
  • Rule writing and processing
  • Guideline validation
  • Functional acknowledgment

We are excited to launch another improvement to the Orderful platform!

After receiving numerous requests for better transaction management, notably including the ability to resend inbound transactions, we have invested time improving your EDI trading experience in Orderful.

Transactions will now have three different status types:

  • Validation Status
  • Delivery Status
  • Acknowledgment Status

For more information see the Transaction Statuses Overview page.

Resending Transactions

Now that Delivery and Acknowledgment are separated in Orderful, you are free to send and resend any of your inbound transactions, regardless of its acknowledgment.

To resend an inbound transaction:

  • Go to your Transactions Page
  • Click on the transaction you'd like to resend
  • Click the "Send" button on the top right of the page
  • Confirm you want to resend the transaction

We are excited to release another improvement to our platform: Poller communication channels!

When you create a Poller communication channel, Orderful will generate a new API endpoint that you can use to retrieve your transactions. Along with this improvement comes the ability to resend inbound transactions from the UI and to confirm a transaction's delivery using our API,.

For step-by-step instructions on how to set this up, please check out our guide.

Since releasing our Scenario Testing feature, we have received feedback from our customers that testing does not always take place in the Orderful platform. To solve for cases where you do not want to do any testing in Orderful, we have introduced functionality that allows you to skip testing any of your Scenario Checklists .

You can skip a Scenario Checklist by navigating to one on the Scenario Testing Page and clicking the "Skip Testing" button in the side panel that opens. See below: