You now have access to advanced delivery settings for Communication Channels on your inbound Relationships.

As a user receiving transactions, you’ll be able to:

  • Deliver transactions to up to five Communication Channels.
  • Deliver transactions conditionally based on transaction values.
  • Control how transaction messages are delivered. For example, before or after Rules have been applied.

Users can access these advanced settings via their Relationship settings. There’s no behavior change for existing users.

Advanced delivery settings supports the following use cases:

  • Migrate from an X12 integration to a JSON integration
  • Trade EDI through Orderful while migrating your ERP/SOR
  • Send a copy of a transaction to a third party partner

For more information see Advanced Delivery Settings.

Orderful has added AI Rule Suggestion to our Rules Editor. The AI can detect and offer Rules for the following problems:

  • Filter Unwanted Segment or Loop Instances: Easily remove unnecessary data segments or loop instances from the EDI message to ensure that only relevant information is processed.
  • Reorder Product ID/Qualifier Pairs: Automatically reorder product ID and qualifier pairs to match the required format, ensuring compliance with trading partner guidelines.
  • Convert Product ID Qualifier to Interchangeable Value: Seamlessly convert product ID qualifiers to their interchangeable values. For example, convert "SK" (Stock Keeping Unit) to "BP" (Buyer Part Number) when the guidelines do not accept "SK".
  • Date/Time Format Conversion: Convert date and time formats to meet specific requirements, such as changing "YY/MM/DD" to "YYMMDD".
  • Currency Correction: Automatically correct currency codes, such as changing "US" to "USD," to ensure accurate financial data exchange.
  • Country Code Correction: Adjust country codes to the correct format, such as converting "USA" to "US".
    Other Qualifiers Correction: Correct various qualifiers, including date/time qualifiers, to align with required standards.
  • General String Format: Apply Rules to format strings properly, such as trimming text that exceeds its maximum length to ensure compliance with field length restrictions.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Product List feature, designed to enhance your document creation process in Orderful. This powerful tool automates the entry of repetitive product details, significantly improving the speed and accuracy of creating outbound documents such as the 855 (Purchase Order Acknowledgment), 856 (Advance Ship Notice), and 810 (Invoice).

Key Highlights:

Auto-Fill Product Details: Automatically populates product information in your documents, reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors.
Bulk Upload and Edit: Easily manage your product list by uploading and editing products in bulk using CSV files.
Improved Efficiency: Streamline your workflow and ensure consistent product details across all your EDI documents.

To start using the Product List feature, simply navigate to the Products navigation item in your Orderful dashboard. For a detailed guide on how to leverage this new tool, please refer to our documentation.

We are committed to continuously improving your experience with Orderful and look forward to your feedback on this new feature. For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].

You can now overpack an 856 Advance Shipping Notice from the web even if your unpacked items list has no remaining units to ship. This can be helpful in cases where you have a PO quantity change that hasn't been communicated over EDI but still needs to go out on your shipment.

To use this feature create an 856 transaction from the Web and scroll to your unpacked items to overpack your shipment. Learn more here.

When using WEB EDI to create an 856 Advance Ship Notice you no longer have to lookup the SCAC code of your carrier elsewhere. We've gathered the codes of more than 200 carriers and ship methods so you can search for them directly in Orderful and we'll put the code in your 856 document as well as any labels you produce.

Learn more about 856 and label generation with Orderful.

For some time now, Orderful has supported label generation via API. We have an extensive catalog of retailer labels (both carton and pallet) that are vetted and compatible with the unique needs of the buyer.

We now offer label generation for web users who also use Orderful to create the Advance Ship Notice (856) they send to their trade partners. Once you build a shipment and pack all your inventory into unique cartons and pallets in the Orderful UI, you’ll be given the option to generate labels for your shipment.

Under the hood, Orderful will look at your shipment and decide how many labels, in which format, and what retailer structure you’ll need. We’ll generate a .zpl file to download with your labels so you can send them to a pack station or warehouse.

SSCC Barcode Generation: Generating a unique barcode for every carton or pallet can be a pain, so we’ve automated this process for you. In your EDI account settings, give us some details about your GS1 company number, and we can generate a unique SSCC barcode for every label on your behalf. The same 20-digit code that is on your label will also be added to your 856 Advance Ship Notice that is sent to your trade partner.

When using Web EDI, entering and re-entering contact details about you and the parties you trade with can be time-consuming and repetitive. While Orderful does a great job of re-using what we can from other transactions in the workflow, sometimes you'll need to enter these details yourself.

Starting today, you can save parties and addresses for reuse across Orderful Web EDI.

  1. When creating a new party on any web transaction, click the "Parties and Addresses" link at the top of the section.
  2. Choose an existing party or create a new one.
  3. When creating a new party, enter all the details you know about them and click "Save and Add."
  4. The party will now be saved, and the transaction party details will be auto-filled for you.
  5. You can re-use the same data next time you send a similar transaction.