
  • The business number of X12 document type 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice is now taken from the Reference Identification field in the Trace segment (transactionSets[0].trace[0].referenceIdentification).
  • Uploading or assigning a scenario file is no longer required when creating or editing a scenario.

We're excited to launch two new features in Orderful: Trade request and Scenario testing.

The Trade Request feature will streamline the process of creating relationships with a new Trading Partner by initiating a trade request. Once a trade request is approved, the Scenario testing feature will guide you through the testing requirements of the partnership until Go Live.

Trade Request

To onboard a new Trading Partner, you can now create a trade request from Orderful, from the ‘Trade Requests’ section, under the menu ‘Trading Partners’.


After submitting a trade request:

  • You'll receive an email requesting you to provide your Trading Partner requirements.
  • When receiving your Trading Partner requirements, the Orderful team will review them and digitize them on the Orderful network.
  • At the end of this requirements review process by the Orderful team, your trade request will be accepted and you'll be ready to start configuring and testing your relationships!

You can monitor and edit your inbound or outbound trade requests status from the ‘Trade Requests’ section, under the menu ‘Trading Partners’.




  • Outbound Requests are partnership requests you create
  • Inbound Requests are partnership requests you receive from a partner

Scenario testing

Once a trade request has been accepted, you can start testing the scenarios included in the trade request.

From the section ‘Scenario testing’, under the menu ‘Trading Partners’, you can:

  • Read and understand the scenarios and the associated list of steps to test
  • Link a transaction for each step of the scenario
  • Complete a scenario step

If your business relationship with your Trading Partner changes, you can always request a change request by managing your assigned scenarios for a partnership.


We’re excited to introduce a new feature in Orderful: Communications Channels.
From Orderful, you can access this new feature from the left side menu under ‘Setup’.


Communication Channels page

You can now configure one or several AS2 connectivities from Orderful for your own organization.


Create a new AS2 Communication Channel

Once an AS2 Communication Channel is configured, you can assign it to your inbound relationships. Transactions that you receive will be sent to the AS2 server you configured.


Assign an AS2 Communication Channel on a inbound relationship



This feature doesn’t allow you to configure an AS2 connection on behalf of your Trading Partners. The Orderful team is working on improving this behavior to let you configure Communication Channels used by your Trading Partners to receive transactions you send them.


What’s next?

This new Communication Channels feature is now limited to AS2 connectivities.
In the coming months, we plan to open up this feature to let you configure other types of connectivities: FTP, FTPS, SFTP, VAN.

Today we are extending out transaction workflows functionality and adding two more transaction groups to the Orderful platform, Transportation and Warehouse.

The transportation workflow is comprised of the following transaction types:

  • 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender
  • 990 Response to a Load Tender
  • 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
  • 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice

The Warehouse workflow is comprised of the following transaction types:

  • 940 Warehouse Shipping Order
  • 943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice
  • 944 Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice
  • 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice

You will be able to see the related transactions in the app starting today. If you want to know more about transaction workflows visit this page.

Bug Fix

  • Missing mandatory component elements no longer return a guidelines validation error if their parent composite element is optional and none of its component elements are sent.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for cursor issues in the rules editor function bar
  • Fix for issues with advancing transactions from ‘accepted-with-errors’ to ‘accepted’ status