Release date: July 7th 2021

Overview: More granular statuses for relationships while going through the onboarding process. More guidance around setup to reduce back-and-forth between you and your trading partner, and/or Orderful.

Added 'autoSend' setting on relationships to configure auto-sending behavior for test and live transactions.

Purpose: More guidance and less back-and-forth to reduce time needed to onboarding new relationships.

For an overview of the statuses and over information see here: (Search Relationships)[]

Release date: 06/02/2021

Overview: Sending functional acknowledgments to a communication channel is now tracked on the audit trail and is subjected to a retry system.

To make sure a delivery failure isn't related to a temporary server issue, Orderful now retries sending a functional acknowledgment to a communication channel three times:

  • 1st retry: 5 min after the initial delivery failure
  • 2nd retry: 10 min after a delivery failure on the 1st retry
  • 3rd retry: 20 min after a delivery failure on the 2nd retry

Each delivery failure or success on retries is captured on the audit trail.


Orderful retries to send a transaction when the delivery failure isn't tagged as permanent.

Release date: Released on 06/21/2021 and 06/29/2021

Overview: Workflow validation ensures that transactions that belong to the same workflow share the same important business information.

Purpose: This new workflow validation prevents you from sending invalid transactions that contains incorrect and mismatching business information to your partners.

For more information see:

To launch this new validation, Orderful focuses on implementing a workflow validation on the Transportation workflow.

For more information see Workflow Requirements Enforced on Transportation Workflows

Release date: 05/10/2021

Overview: Your transactions in the UI are now shown in your specified data format (JSON or X12). Easily toggle back and forth between the data format of you or your trading partner.

Purpose: Instantly see any transaction in your or your trading partner's data format, even before it is sent. Easily see how new rules affect your transactions in either data format.

Simply toggle data format from either:

  • The Transaction Data View
  • The Rules Editor

More improvements:

  • Superior transaction page performance, both in the JSON view and X12 view – reduced page load times, and greatly improved stability even when viewing large transactions
  • Updated JSON viewer styling
  • When opening a transaction that has a validation error, automatically focus the rules editor & first error
  • Basic/Expanded View replaced with more intuitive "Show empty fields" experience
    Additional fixes:
  • Fixed: Errors appear in the wrong place when a transaction’s structure has changed
  • Fixed: Scroll-to-path doesn’t work when the selected path is in a collapsed array
  • Fixed: Scroll-to-path doesn’t work when the path is an empty field, but "Show empty fields" is disabled
  • Fixed: Scroll-to-path doesn’t work when the path is in a paginated array, but a different index is currently selected

Release date: 05/04/2021

Overview: Scenario checklist steps are now automatically completed when linked transactions are accepted by the receiver.

Purpose: Speeding up testing by automating manual tasks. For more information about our scenario testing feature, please refer to our documentation:

Release date: 05/04/2021

Overview: New OAuth 2.0 configuration available on HTTP Communication Channel.

Purpose: When creating or editing an HTTP Communication Channel with an Authorization Type OAuth 2.0, you can now optionally configure an Audience and add one or several scopes.

More details about HTTP Communication Channels on this article:

Release date: 04/23/2021

Overview: New notifications for incoming EDI failures

Purpose: At Orderful we take care of the behind the scenes work of managing EDI connections. This makes EDI easy as calling an API. Unfortunately sometimes there are problems with data from your trading partners for which needs attention, for example if they send malformed EDI and we can't make heads or tails of it. In some cases the only solution is to reach out the trading partner and ask them to fix it. Traditionally we've done this by flagging trouble EDI documents in our system and then having a support agent review it and reach out to you, the customer, who in turn contacts their trading partner to resolve the situation. But when time is money, this process can take too long. So we're happy to introduce notifications which notify you of EDI destined for you which failed to be turned into transactions so you can address them faster.

See additional documentation for handling some failure notifications here: Inbound EDI Job Errors

Release date: 04/21/2021

Overview: New endpoint to list your relationships.

Purpose: This endpoint returns a paginated list of relationships and details relationships information such as relationship id, important timestamps, sender and receiver EDI accounts, transaction types and status.

Release date: Released on 04/13/2021

Overview: From the relationship side panel, you can access the guidelines assigned to your relationships.

Purpose: To help followers onboard with their leaders, we added links to the leaders guidelines to the relationship side panel. 
If you're a leader, you can also use this quick link as a shortcut to access your own guideline.

Release date: 03/30/2021

Overview: Creation of new Transaction Type Rules has been disabled.

Purpose: Any transaction type-specific logic should live in the connector between the Orderful platform and your backend. Relationship-specific logic can be defined using Relationship Rules. Existing transaction type rules can still be used and will continue to be applied to transactions.