Orderful's API requires that your API token is present in the headers of nearly every request. You do not need to generate the token, as it is automatically generated for you once you have created an account, and it can be located in the UI.

Accessing Your API Key

Using Your API Key

The expected header key is orderful-api-key. This key and the value (your API token that you copied from the UI) will need to be present in the headers of every HTTP request you make to the API.

Depending on what tool or method you are using to make HTTP requests, this will look different, but the net result is the same.


Required Headers

orderful-api-key: api_token_value_from_ui_here
Content-Type: application/json

curl -H 'orderful-api-key: your_orderful_api_key' -H 'Content-Type': 'application/json'