Transactions have several header and trailer segments that define the sender, the receiver and the transaction traded:

  • Interchange Control Header (ISA) - Optional in JSON and Mandatory in X12
  • Group Control Header (GS) - Optional in JSON and Mandatory in X12
  • Transaction Set Header (ST) - Optional in JSON and Mandatory in X12
  • Transaction Set Trailer (SE) - Optional in JSON and Mandatory in X12
  • Group Control Trailer (GE) - Mandatory in X12 only
  • Interchange Control Trailer (IEA) - Mandatory in X12 only


Note on headers In JSON

Each header in JSON has the same meaning as in its equivalent in X12.
When posting or uploading a JSON to Orderful, we recommend that you don't include any headers within the transaction. All the required information are already in the payload of the POST /transactions endpoint or in the upload file (sender, receiver, transaction type, stream), so the headers don't provide any additional information.
Orderful will then auto-generate this header if required (when converting JSON to X12 for example.

ISA Interchange Control Header

In X12, this header is a segment that starts any EDI file. It identifies the sender and receiver of the transaction as well as the X12 version used. Between the ISA segment and the IEA segment, an EDI files can have several functional groups (GS segments).

  "interchangeControlHeader": [
      "authorizationInformationQualifier": "00",
      "authorizationInformation": "          ",
      "securityInformationQualifier": "00",
      "securityInformation": "          ",
      "interchangeIDQualifier": "12",
      "interchangeSenderID": "ODF_BUYER      ",
      "interchangeIDQualifier1": "ZZ",
      "interchangeReceiverID": "ODF_SUPPLIER   ",
      "interchangeDate": "200828",
      "interchangeTime": "0932",
      "repetitionSeparator": "^",
      "interchangeControlStandardsIdentifier": "U",
      "interchangeControlVersionNumberCode": "00401",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "001234321",
      "acknowledgmentRequestedCode": "0",
      "interchangeUsageIndicatorCode": "T",
      "componentElementSeparator": ">"
ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*ODF_BUYER      *ZZ*ODF_SUPPLIER   *200828*0932*U*00401*001234321*0*T*>~

Element of the Interchange Control Header segment:

JSON ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
authorizationInformationQualifierI0100This qualifier defines the type of data transmitted between partners.

00 means Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I02).
It's the most common qualifier used but other qualifiers exist, such as 08 (Ocean Communications ID) or 05 (Department of Defense (DoD)).
authorizationInformationI02Information used for additional identification or authorization of the interchange sender or the data in the interchange; the type of information is set by the Authorization Information Qualifier (I01)
interchangeIDQualifierI05ZZThis qualifier describes the type of ISA ID given in the element interchangeSenderID (ISA06).

ZZ means Mutually Defined.
Other qualifiers can be used, such as 12 (Phone (Telephone Companies)) or 01 (Duns (Dun & Bradstreet)).
interchangeSenderIDI06ODF_BUYERODF_BUYER is the ISA ID of the sender of all the transactions included in this functional group.
interchangeIDQualifier1I05ZZThis qualifier describes the type of ISA ID given in the element interchangeReceiverID (ISA08).

ZZ means Mutually Defined.
Other qualifiers can be used, such as 12 (Phone (Telephone Companies)) or 01 (Duns (Dun & Bradstreet)).
interchangeReceiverIDI07ODF_SUPPLIERODF_SUPPLIER is the ISA ID of the receiver of all the transactions included in this functional group.
interchangeDateI08200828This EDI file has been sent on Aug 28th 2020.
interchangeTimeI090932This EDI file has been sent on Aug 28th 2020 at 09:32.
repetitionSeparatorI65^This is a delimiter used to separate repeated occurrences of a data element or a composite data structure.

This element isn't used in all X12 version
interchangeControlStandardsIdentifierI10UThis identifier defines the agency responsible for the standard used.
U means U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12, TDCC, and UCS.

This identifier isn't available on all the X12 version.
interchangeControlVersionNumberCodeI1100401This code is the X12 version number used for this functional group.

00401 means Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997. Other codes can be used such as 00705 (Standards Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through December 2017).
interchangeControlNumberI12001234321The EDI file is referenced by this control number 001234321.

This number would be useful if you need to find a transaction when you troubleshoot an error with your partner.
acknowledgmentRequestedCodeI130This code informs the receiver of the transactions if an acknowledgment is needed.

0 = No Acknowledgment Requested
1 = Interchange Acknowledgment Requested
interchangeUsageIndicatorCodeISA14TThis code defines if the EDI contains test or production data.
T means Test.
P means Production.
componentElementSeparatorISA15>This is a delimiter used to separate separate component data elements within a composite data structure.

GS Group Control Header

The functional group gathers one or several transaction set (ST segment).
All the transaction sets included inside one functional group are from the same transaction type.

"functionalGroupHeader": [
      "functionalIdentifierCode": "PO",
      "applicationSendersCode": "ODF_BUYER",
      "applicationReceiversCode": "ODF_SUPPLIER",
      "date": "20200828",
      "time": "0932",
      "groupControlNumber": "1234321",
      "responsibleAgencyCode": "X",
      "versionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode": "004010"
JSON ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
functionalIdentifierCodeGS01POThis 3 digit code is unique per transaction type.

PO = Purchase order (850)
IN = Invoice Information (810)
SM = Motor Carrier Load Tender (204)
GF = Response to a Load Tender (990)
QM = Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message (214)
OW = Warehouse Shipping Order (940)
SW = Warehouse Shipping Advice (945)
RE = Warehouse Stock Receipt Advice (944)
AR = Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice (943)
applicationSendersCodeGS02ODF_BUYERODF_BUYER is the ISA ID of the sender of all the transactions included in this functional group.
applicationReceiversCodeGS03ODF_SUPPLIERODF_SUPPLIER is the ISA ID of the receiver of all the transactions included in this functional group.
dateGS0420200828This functional group has been sent on Aug 28th 2020.
timeGS050932This functional group has been sent on Aug 28th 2020 at 09:32.
groupControlNumberGS061234321This is the control number of the functional group.
This control number can be useful to reference a single transaction along with the control numbers from the ISA and ST segments when troubleshooting a production error on a specific transaction with your partner.
responsibleAgencyCodeGS07XThis code defines which agency standards the functional group is respecting.

X = Accredited Standards Committee X12
T = Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC)
versionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCodeGS08004010This is the X12 version number used for this functional group.

ST Transaction Set Header

"transactionSetHeader": [
          "transactionSetIdentifierCode": "850",
          "transactionSetControlNumber": "0001"
JSON ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
transactionSetIdentifierCodeST01850This 3 digit code is unique per transaction type.

850 = Purchase order.
810 = Invoice
204 = Motor Carrier Load Tender
990 = Response to a Load Tender
214 = Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
940 = Warehouse Shipping Order
945 = Warehouse Shipping Advice
944 = Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice
943 = Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice
transactionSetControlNumberST020001This is the control number of the transaction set.
This control number can be useful to reference a single transaction along with the control numbers from the ISA and GS segments when troubleshooting a production error on a specific transaction with your partner.

SE Transaction Set Trailer

"transactionSetTrailer": [
          "numberOfIncludedSegments": "16",
          "transactionSetControlNumber": "001"
JSON ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
numberOfIncludedSegmentsSE011616 is the number of segments included between the previous ST segment and the SE segment (ST and SE segments included).
transactionSetControlNumberSE020001This control number must match the previous control number of the ST segment.

GE Group Control Trailer

No JSON equivalent
JSON ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
N/AGE0111 is the number of ST segments included between the previous GS segment and the GE segment.
N/AGE021234321This control number must match the previous control number of the GS segment.

IEA Interchange Control Trailer

No JSON equivalent
ElementX12 ElementValueDescription
N/AIEA0111 is the number of GE segments included between the previous ISA segment and the IEA segment.
N/AIEA02001234321This control number must match the previous control number of the ISA segment.
Transaction headers example
  "interchangeControlHeader": [
      "authorizationInformationQualifier": "00",
      "authorizationInformation": "          ",
      "securityInformationQualifier": "00",
      "securityInformation": "          ",
      "interchangeIDQualifier": "12",
      "interchangeSenderID": "ODF_BUYER      ",
      "interchangeIDQualifier1": "ZZ",
      "interchangeReceiverID": "ODF_SUPPLIER   ",
      "interchangeDate": "200828",
      "interchangeTime": "0932",
      "repetitionSeparator": "^",
      "interchangeControlStandardsIdentifier": "U",
      "interchangeControlVersionNumberCode": "00401",
      "interchangeControlNumber": "001234321",
      "acknowledgmentRequestedCode": "0",
      "interchangeUsageIndicatorCode": "T",
      "componentElementSeparator": ">"
  "functionalGroupHeader": [
      "functionalIdentifierCode": "PO",
      "applicationSendersCode": "ODF_BUYER",
      "applicationReceiversCode": "ODF_SUPPLIER",
      "date": "20200828",
      "time": "0932",
      "groupControlNumber": "1234321",
      "responsibleAgencyCode": "X",
      "versionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode": "004010"
  "transactionSets": [
      "transactionSetHeader": [
          "transactionSetIdentifierCode": "850",
          "transactionSetControlNumber": "001"
      [...] Transaction loops, segments and elements
      "transactionSetTrailer": [
          "numberOfIncludedSegments": "16",
          "transactionSetControlNumber": "001"
ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*ODF_BUYER      *ZZ*ODF_SUPPLIER   *200828*0932*U*00401*001234321*0*T*>~
[...] Transaction loops, segments and elements