We have defined and released lists of Allowed Values for Guidelines defined in the Orderful JSON format. Going forward, when entering an Orderful JSON guideline, you will be able to select an element's "Allowed Values" from a predefined list.

We’re introducing a new tool on the Orderful website: the Real-time EDI Validator.

From the validator tool, you can:

  • Create, paste, and edit an X12 transaction payload
  • Validate this X12 payload against the default guideline of the receiver, the sender, or the X12 specification.

After validation, you can access a list showing any detected errors and convert your X12 transaction to Orderful JSON.

Orderful now supports transactions in the EDIFACT data format. If you do business outside the United States, your Trading Partners may require you to send and receive transactions in the EDIFACT data format. If that's the case, you can now onboard them using Orderful.

The EDIFACT onboarding process is similar to the onboarding process for your X12 partners. For more details, check out our documentation. To start onboarding today, you can send a Trade Request.

Once the partnership with your EDIFACT Trading Partner has been configured, Orderful will generate the schema for you in Integration Assistance.

We have made improvements to setting up a new Partnership as a Follower.

When you submit a Trade Request as a Follower, Orderful now allows you to look up your Leader within the Orderful network. Your Leader Trading Partner will be available for look up if they have default requirements configured in the Orderful network.

After creating the Trade Request, Orderful will guide you to the list of available default requirements that are digitized on the Orderful network for the partner you want to trade with:

  • EDI information
  • Guidelines
  • Communication Channels

You can then confirm whether you'd like to reuse the default requirements or not.

If you confirm you want to reuse all requirements, Orderful will automatically accept the Trade Request and redirect you to your new Relationships. The Relationships will be ready for you to configure and test.

If you choose to use different requirements or not all requirements are available on the Orderful network, Orderful will guide you to fill out the missing requirements on the onboarding form.
Once you submit the onboarding form, Orderful will auto-accept Trade Requests and auto-configure Relationships to the extent possible based on the information we have.

We have refreshed our Transactions page UI and updated our Filtering options:

  • In addition to filtering by date, you can now also filter by time (HH:MM:SS AM/PM).
  • You can now select multiple options in all dropdown menus, as well as Select all.
  • The following filtering properties have been removed:
    • Trading Partner
    • Hide Trading Partners
    • Owner ISA IDs
  • The following filtering properties have been added:
    • Your EDI Account: Select one or more EDI Accounts that you have configured for your Organization.
    • Partner EDI Account: Select one or more EDI Accounts that belong to your Trading Partners.

To hide specific Trading Partners, you can select all Partner EDI Accounts, and then unselect the Partner EDI Accounts you'd like to hide.

To access the new Filtering options, click on Filter at the upper left of your Transactions list.

We have improved the popular LOOKUP function of our Rules Editor. LOOKUPV2() can now be used to not only look up single element values, but also to look up entire segments and loops - all in one go.

This is especially helpful when using the Rules Editor to move loops and segments from one place in the transaction to another. When writing a new rule using LOOKUPV2(), you'll see updated guidance to walk you through the steps.

For an example usage, please see our documentation on how to Use the Rules Engine.

We've made improvements to the EDI Accounts Page:

  • The EDI accounts page has been moved directly within the navigation menu, under the requirements section.
  • You can set up new default requirements on each EDI account:
    • Data format and Version
    • Send Acknowledgements
    • Receive Acknowledgements
    • Timeout time
    • Communication Channels
    • Guidelines
    • Scenarios
  • You can see all EDI account defaults in one place.

When new relationships are created, you don’t have to manually configure them anymore. Orderful can auto-configure them entirely based on the default requirements set up on the EDI accounts.

That means if you and your partner set up all default requirements on your respective EDI accounts, new relationships will be ready to be tested right away.

We have recently pre-populated allowed values from the X12 specification into our Guideline creation UI.

When you are creating a new X12 Guideline, you will now sometimes see a list of allowed values already available for a particular element. This only occurs if the X12 specification contains a list of allowed values.

You can now define custom allowed values as well.

Here is an example of the new UI for an 850 SAC01 element:

We have added a new header to the Transaction Details UI. In addition to a visual refresh that displays more information, this new header also allows you to manually create Acknowledgments for inbound Transactions. If you choose to reject a Transaction, you will be prompted to provide a reason for rejection.

Transaction detail view

We’re introducing a new Forward feature.

As a customer trading JSON, you can now configure your Inbound Relationship to forward transactions to one of your Outbound Relationships.

Note:You can only forward transactions if both Relationships have been configured with the same data format and version. Additionally, only JSON transactions can be forwarded.

If “Auto-send” is enabled for a Relationship, inbound transactions will be automatically forwarded when they are sent to the receiver organization.

You’ll also be able to forward inbound transactions manually from the transaction details page if a forward is configured on the associated Relationship.

Note: If you have Rules written for your inbound transaction, they won’t be applied on the forwarded transaction.

Any transaction forwarded will appear in the audit trail of both impacted transactions.