We’ve added inbound and outbound Orderful-hosted SFTP Communication Channels to the Communication Channels page.

For now, only Orderful-hosted SFTP can be created. That means Orderful is creating, hosting and managing the SFTP server.

Currently Orderful-hosted SFTP Communication Channels have the following restrictions:

  • Only X12 data can be sent and received
  • Username and password is the only available authentication method
  • Only the SFTP protocol is supported.

After you create an SFTP communication channel, the SFTP server configuration details, credentials, upload and download requirements are automatically generated and available through Orderful.

For instructions on how to set-up an inbound Orderful-hosted SFTP Communication Channel see here: https://docs.orderful.com/docs/set-up-org-follower#inbound-ftp-and-sftp

For instructions on how to set-up an outbound Orderful-hosted SFTP Communication Channel see here: https://docs.orderful.com/docs/set-up-org-follower#outbound-ftpsftp

If you want to create a self-hosted FTP/SFTP Communication Channel, you’ll still need to contact our support team.

We have made infrastructure changes to our AS2 backend that should result in your transaction delivery updates arriving more quickly.

We also added support for an Orderful CA certificate: For Trading Partners who require them, Orderful can now provide CA certificates for AS2 Communication Channels. If you'd like to enable this, please contact [email protected].

Finally, Orderful will now send a positive MDN even if we can’t create an EDI job. This means that you will no longer receive the "Unexpected Processing Error" Outbound MDN error. This error has been removed from our AS2 Troubleshooting page.

We have added a new API endpoint that retrieves a list of transactions: GET /transactions/.

Additionally, the Transaction object has been updated, with more information in the sender and receiver objects. Both objects now include:

  • name
  • isaId
  • isaIdQualifier
  • testIsaId
  • testIsaIdQualifier

To read the updated documentation, see the List Transactions page.

Previously, Orderful would only accept AS2 messages sent over HTTPS. We now also accept AS2 messages sent over HTTP to http://as2.orderful.com as long as the AS2 message is encrypted with an Orderful AS2 certificate.

We made some infrastructure changes to speed up delivery for VAN Communication Channels. Transactions to new VAN communication channels are now delivered synchronously. This means you’ll be informed about transaction delivery updates more quickly.

We have made improvements to Scenario Testing with better visual cues about the status of your checklist, as well as more guidance in the UI. In situations where a transaction has been rejected, we have also added the ability to retry only one step of a Scenario Test checklist.

Screenshot of new Scenario Testing updates

Screenshot of new Scenario Testing updates

Transactions now have a consistent payload structure across your Communication Channels and Orderful APIs.

Additionally, Integration Assistance now shows the complete payload instead of just the contents of the message.

Release Date: 2022-06-14

We have made improvements to AS2 communication channels.

Inbound and Outbound Connections

On the Communication Channels page, we’ve added a column to represent the connection between Inbound and Outbound Communication Channels to help you understand which AS2 information you’ll need from your AS2 server and/or the Orderful AS2 server to send or receive transactions. We implemented this improvement because the AS2 protocol requires information from both the sender and receiver AS2 servers, meaning you need information from both the Inbound and Outbound Communication Channels.

Side panel improvements

We redesigned the side panel to include more information:

  • Inbound AS2 Communication Channels: The side panel describes the requirements Orderful will use to deliver transactions to your AS2 server.
  • Outbound AS2 Communication Channels: The side panel describes the requirements Orderful can support when receiving transactions from your AS2 server.

Infrastructure improvements

We made some infrastructure changes as well to Increase security and speed up delivery. Each new AS2 communication channel you create will be assigned a unique Orderful AS2 ID and AS2 certificate. Additionally, delivering transactions to new AS2 communication channels now happens synchronously. That means you’ll be informed about transaction delivery updates more quickly.


These infrastructure changes only apply to AS2 communication channels you’ll create going forward. If you have been using AS2 communication channels before this release, we’ll keep delivering and receiving transactions as we have. Your existing AS2 communication channels will be identified with a V1 tag on the communication channel page.