This document outlines the mapping between NetSuite objects and the EDI 880 Grocery Products Invoice format. The mapping is organized by EDI segments.
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
customer.prodIsaId | sender.isaId | Production ISA ID for the sender |
customer.testIsaId | receiver.isaId | Test ISA ID for the receiver |
customer.enabledTransactionTypes[documentType="880_GROCERY_PRODUCTS_INVOICE"].stream | stream | Transaction stream, defaults to "TEST" if null |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].trandate | message.transactionSets[0].invoiceIdentification[0].date | Invoice date (formatted from M/d/yyyy to YYYYMMDD) |
invoices[0].tranid | message.transactionSets[0].invoiceIdentification[0].invoiceNumber | Invoice number |
invoices[0].custbody_orderful_edi_po_date | message.transactionSets[0].invoiceIdentification[0].date1 | PO date (formatted from M/d/yyyy to YYYYMMDD) |
invoices[0].otherrefnum | message.transactionSets[0].invoiceIdentification[0].purchaseOrderNumber | Purchase order number |
salesorders[0].tranid | message.transactionSets[0].invoiceIdentification[0].vendorOrderNumber | Vendor order number (from sales order) |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].custbody_orderful_n9_notes | message.transactionSets[0].extendedReferenceInformation[0].referenceIdentification | Reference notes (with qualifier "IA") |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].shipdate | message.transactionSets[0].dateTime[0].date | Ship date (formatted from M/d/yyyy to YYYYMMDD) with qualifier "11" |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].shipcarrier | message.transactionSets[0].carrierDetails[0].routing | Shipping carrier (with transport method code "ZZ") |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].duedate | message.transactionSets[0].termsOfSale[0].termsNetDueDate | Due date (formatted from M/d/yyyy to YYYYMMDD) |
invoices[0].terms.daysuntilnetdue | message.transactionSets[0].termsOfSale[0].termsNetDays | Net days until payment is due |
invoices[0].totalaftertaxes | message.transactionSets[0].termsOfSale[0].amountSubjectToTermsDiscount | Total amount after taxes |
invoices[0] | message.transactionSets[0].termsOfSale[0].freeFormMessage | Terms name as free-form message |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].shippingaddress.addressee | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].partyIdentification[0].name | Ship-to addressee name |
invoices[0].custbody_orderful_ship_dc_number | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].partyIdentification[0].identificationCode | Ship-to DC number |
invoices[0].shippingaddress.addr1 | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].partyLocation[0].addressInformation | Ship-to address line 1 |
invoices[0] | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].geographicLocation[0].cityName | Ship-to city |
invoices[0].shippingaddress.state | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].geographicLocation[0].stateOrProvinceCode | Ship-to state |
invoices[0] | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].geographicLocation[0].postalCode | Ship-to postal code |
invoices[0] | message.transactionSets[0].N1_loop[0].geographicLocation[0].countryCode | Ship-to country code |
NetSuite Source | EDI Target Path | Description |
invoices[0].billingaddress.addressee or invoices[0].shippingaddress.addressee | `m | |