Store Mapping
Used to cross reference your trading partner store ID to either an address book entry or an Orderful Distribution Center Mapping Entry.
- NAME Informative label to identify the cross reference. Used only for searching.
- CUSTOMER The NetSuite customer this store cross reference relates to.
- ADDRESS BOOK The NetSuite Address entry for this store. Used when your partner supports ship to store and does not provide the address in their EDI purchase order
- DISTRIBUTION CENTER The Orderful Distribution Center Mapping entry this store location should ship to. Used for cross dock shipping where your partner does not provide the DC ship to location in their EDI purchase order.
Store cross reference for shipping directly to a store when the address is not provided in EDI.
If the ship to is present in the header of the order with a location ID but no address, we can use the store mapping to set the ship to on the Sales Order.
If the ship to is not present in the header and your partner expects you to ship directly to each SDQ store, we can use the address book to set the correct ship to address on the sales order.

Store cross reference for shipping to a DC when the Ship To location and address is not provided in EDI.
If the Ship To location is not sent in the header of the order and there are SDQ locations at the item level, we can use the store mapping map the correct ship to DC location expected by your partner.

Updated 10 days ago
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