Inbound FTP and SFTP

To connect via FTP/SFTP, you can choose between:

  • Orderful-hosted SFTP: Orderful creates, hosts and manages the SFTP server.
  • Self-hosted FTP/SFTP: You create, host and manage the FTP/SFTP server.

You can create Orderful-hosted SFTP communication channels in the UI:

  1. Go to your Communication Channels settings.
  2. Click on Create New and select FTP/SFTP in the “Create Inbound Channel” section.
  3. For “Type” of communication channel choose Orderful-hosted then press Next.
  4. Enter in a descriptive Name.
  5. Press Create.
  6. After the Communication Channel is created a side panel opens up with the connection details..
  7. From the side panel, retrieve the Orderful FTP/SFTP configuration details, credentials and download requirements so that you can configure your SFTP client.

If you would like to instead create a Self-hosted SFTP Communication Channel:

  1. Go to your Communication Channels settings.
  2. Click on Create New and select FTP/SFTP in the “Create Inbound Channel” section.
  3. For “Type” of communication channel choose Self-hosted then press Next.
  4. Enter in a descriptive Name.
  5. Under the “FTP/SFTP Configuration Details” section, enter the protocol, host, port and path Orderful must use to connect to your server.
  6. Under the “User Credentials” section, enter the username and password Orderful must use to authenticate to your server.
  7. Under the “Upload Requirements for Orderful” section, enter the file naming convention Orderful must use when uploading files to your server.
  8. Press Create.
  9. After the Communication Channel is created a side panel opens up with the summary of your server connection details.


If you need to configure your firewall to allow connections from Orderful, see IP Whitelisting.