Advanced Delivery Settings

When configuring an inbound Relationship, you can:

  • Deliver transactions to multiple Communication Channels
  • Configure how transaction messages are delivered
  • Configure delivery conditions for Communication Channels
  • Deliver a transaction to multiple Communication Channels

On the Relationships page, click on a specific Relationship to open the side panel. From here you can add one or more Communication Channels per stream, up to a maximum of five. When you are adding the Communication Channel, you can toggle Advanced Delivery Settings.

Transaction Message Options

Data Format and Version

Here you can define how transaction messages are delivered, specifically their data format and version. The options you have depend on the type of Communication Channel:

  • For AS2, VAN or FTP/SFTP, you can only select X12 or EDIFACT.
  • For Poller, you can only select JSON data format.
  • For HTTP, you can select JSON or X12 data format.


Automatic Conversion

If the data format and version chosen are different from what is configured for the Relationship, Orderful will convert the transaction as requested.

Depending on the conversion, some transaction values may be removed when delivered. For example if you convert between two versions of X12 where only one supports a given element.

Transaction Revision

You can choose to deliver the transaction message with all of its original values before any Rules were applied, or after Rules have been applied. Again, the options you can choose depend on the type of Communication Channel:

  • For Poller, you can only select After Rules.
  • All other Communication Channels can select either Before Rules or After Rules

Delivery Conditions

Here you can choose either:

  • No conditions: Transactions are always delivered to the Communication Channel
  • With delivery conditions: Transactions are only delivered if they contain specific values on specific paths, as described in your delivery conditions.


If you select With delivery conditions you can define up to 5 conditions. For each condition you can define either:

  • A simple condition: A set of values on a single element path, or

  • A condition with qualifiers: A set of values on an element path and a set of values on the corresponding element's qualifier path. The two element paths must share the same parent segment.

    • For example:

      • Value Path: transactionSets._.N1_loop._.N1.*.N102 where the values is shipToName
      • Qualifier Path: transactionSets._.N1_loop._.N1.*.N101where the value is ST

Only those transactions matching all conditions will be delivered.