Shipping Lookup
The Shipping Lookup is related to the TD5 carrierDetailsRoutingSequenceTransitTime segment in EDI.
For Sales Orders, it can be used to automatically assign a NetSuite shipping item (shipmethod) based on the Routing and service level details provided on the purchase order.
For shipments and invoices, the shipping lookup can be leveraged to populate Routing Carrier SCAC and service level based on the NetSuite shipping item assigned to a fulfillment.
- Lookup Value
- For Sales Orders, this is value to match based on option selected in Order Management Config -> Ship Method Lookup list. If matched, the ship item assigned to this entry will be set on the Sales Order.
- For Fulfillments and Invoices, this will map to the TD5 Routing element.
- Ship Item Select the NetSuite ship method related to the carrier details of the Shipping Lookup entry.
- Carrier Select the Carrier SCAC entry to assign to this ship method lookup. This is optional.
- Service Level Assign the service level for the carrier. This is optional.

Updated 13 days ago
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