Orderful AS2 information
This article is intended for non-Orderful users that need to set up an AS2 communication channel to trade with an Orderful customer.
If you are an Orderful user and would like to create an Inbound AS2 Channel, instructions can be found here: https://docs.orderful.com/docs/inbound-as2
If you are an Orderful user with an existing AS2 Communication Channel, your AS2 information can be found by going to your Communication Channel settings page. Once you are on this page, clicking on the Channel will open up a side panel that will contain your AS2 information that you can.
Orderful only supports synchronous, encrypted AS2 transmission with no compression using HTTPS or HTTP. Asynchronous transmission, compressed data and unencrypted data are not supported.
To set up an AS2 communication channel with Orderful as a non-Orderful user, use the following information:
AS2 URL: https://as2.orderful.com
AS2 Port: 443
For security reasons, Orderful recommends using the HTTPS protocol as data transmitted is SSL-encrypted. If your AS2 software can only support the HTTP protocol, you can use the AS2 URL
. The HTTP port is80
AS2 certificate: Download ORDERFULAS2.cer
Outbound IP addresses: For this information please see IP Whitelisting.
Transaction: Orderful sends encrypted and uncompressed AS2 messages using the 3DES algorithm.
Orderful accepts uncompressed and unencrypted AS2 messages or uncompressed AS2 messages encrypted using one of the following algorithms: 3DES, AES128, AES192 or AES256.
Signature: Orderful sends signed AS2 messages signed using the SHA-256 algorithm.
Orderful accepts unsigned AS2 messages or signed AS2 messages that use one of the following algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512.
Receipt: When sending AS2 messages, Orderful requests that you send back a synchronous MDN, signed and encrypted using one of the supported algorithms.
When receiving AS2 messages, Orderful sends back a synchronous MDN as requested in the original request.
Updated 8 months ago