Orderful for NetSuite


Orderful For NetSuite is a SuiteApp that allows you to send EDI documents from Orderful into NetSuite and vice versa. This document covers all the steps required to install and use the Orderful For NetSuite application.

Currently Orderful for NetSuite supports the following EDI documents:

  • 850 Purchase Order
  • 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
  • 856 Advance Ship Notice
  • 810 Invoice

The SuiteApp communicates with Orderful via a Poller Communication Channel that syncs data every 15 minutes.

Installing Orderful for NetSuite


Before you install the Orderful SuiteApp, you should have:

Installation and Configuration

To install the Orderful SuiteApp:

  1. Inside your NetSuite instance, navigate to the SuiteApps Marketplace and search for “Orderful”.
  2. Open the “Orderful EDI for NetSuite” SuiteApp and click the Install button.

Next you will configure the SuiteApp.

Add Orderful API credentials

Begin by copying your Orderful API credentials into your SuiteApp settings:

  1. Inside Orderful: Go to your Orderful org’s API Credentials page: https://ui.orderful.com/settings/api-credentials
  2. Inside Netsuite: Navigate to Setup > Company > API Secrets
  3. Click on Create New, which will open the “Create New Secret” window.
  4. Start from the Details tab. Enter a “Name” of your choice.
  5. For “ID”, enter _orderful_api. NetSuite will prepend custsecret to this, so the final value will be custsecret_orderful_api.
  6. For “Password” and “Confirm Password”, copy the Orderful API Token from your Orderful Settings. Note that once you enter the value and save, you will not be able to access this value.
  7. On the “Restrictions” tab:
    1. Enable “Allow for All Scripts”
    2. Enable “All for All Domains”
    3. Click Save

Add Orderful Poller information

  1. In Orderful: Go to your Communication Channels: https://ui.orderful.com/communication-channels
  2. Click on the Inbound Poller Communication Channel that you created previously.
  3. In the pane that opens on the right, you will see a URL with this format: https://api.orderful.com/v3/polling-buckets/{pollerID}. Copy the ID number at the end of this URL.
  4. Back in Netsuite: Paste this value into the “Polling Bucket ID” in the General section of your Custom Preferences.

Configure Companies

Each of your Trading Partners is represented by a Customer in NetSuite. You will now add each Relationship in Orderful to your NetSuite configuration:

  1. Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Customers
  2. Select the Customer you will be configuring.
  3. On the Customer page there is an EDI tab at the same level as the “Information” tab. Click Edit
  4. In Orderful: Go to your Relationships: https://ui.orderful.com/relationships
  5. Find one of the documents you are trading with your Trading Partner.
  6. Under your Trading Partner’s name, you will find their ISA ID and Test ISA ID in the following format: Qualifier/ISA ID | Qualifier/TEST ISA ID. For example: ZZ/ODFLRETAILLEAD | ZZ/ODFLRETAILLEADT
  7. Back in NetSuite: On the EDI tab, the required settings are:
    1. ISA ID: Copy this value from Orderful. Do not include the qualifier.
    2. Test ISA ID: Copy this value from Orderful. Do not include the qualifier.
  8. Inside the "EDI" tab, click on the EDI Enabled Transaction Type tab:
    1. Now you will add one entry for Transaction Type you are trading with this Trading Partner. Start by clicking New EDI Enabled Transaction Type
    2. On the following page you can add overrides for defaults, and you can also specify if you want this transaction to be in test mode (which means it will use the Test ISA ID).
    3. Once you are done, click Save

(Optional) Add SKU and Item UPC information

  1. Navigate to Setup > Company > General Preferences
  2. Scroll down to the “Overriding Preferences” section and click on the Custom Preferences tab
  3. In the “General” section fill out the “SKU Field” and “Item UPC Code” with the relevant values for your NetSuite instance.

(Optional) Add Subsidiary ISA IDs

  1. In Orderful: Go to your Relationships: https://ui.orderful.com/relationships
  2. Find one of the documents your subsidiary is trading with your Trading Partner.
  3. Under your subsidiary's name, you will find their ISA ID and Test ISA ID in the following format: ISA ID | TEST ISA ID. For example: ZZ/ODFLRETAILLEAD | ZZ/ODFLRETAILLEADT
  4. Copy your the ISA ID and Test ISA ID.
  5. Back in Netsuite: Navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries
  6. Either create a New Subsidiary or Edit an existing one, as appropriate.
  7. Enter your Subsidiary's “ISA ID” and “TEST ISA ID”

Using the SuiteApp

Transactions are pulled from your Orderful Polling Bucket by a script. This script can be run manually or on a schedule.

To view the script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.
  2. Find the Orderful | Polling Inbound Transactions script and click on View.
  3. Click on the Deployments tab.
  4. Click on Orderful | Polling Inbound Transactions.
  5. Click Edit
    1. If you would like to manually run this script, and it has not already been scheduled to run, you can click Save & Execute.
    2. If you’d instead like to schedule the app to run every 15 minutes: Change “Status” to “Scheduled”, then click Save.

The script has logging, which you can access from the Script Deployment page by clicking the Execution Log tab.

To see the Transaction activity, hover over the Orderful EDI tab at the top of the page, then hover over Orderful Transactions and click on Orderful Transaction. On this page you can filter and search the Orderful app’s activity.

From this page, you can click on any of the Orderful Transactions to see more information about it.

From the “Orderful Transaction” page, you can:

  • View the Transaction in Orderful by clicking the Orderful Transaction link found under “View in Orderful”.
  • View the associated Netsuite Transaction(s) created from this one by clicking the Created Transactions tab. For example, an 850 Purchase Order will create a NetSuite Sales Order. You can view more information by clicking the Date of one of the items in that list.
  • View the associated NetSuite Transaction(s) that triggered this one to be created by clicking Created From Transactions. For example, an 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment will have been created from a Sales Order. You can view more information by clicking the Date of one of the items in that list.

Contacting Support

For support, please contact [email protected].