Order Management Config

  • Auto Acknowledge Automatically approve Sales Orders and acknowledge with the 855 if inventory is on hand, otherwise will go to pending approval and be acknowledged once approved.
  • Allow Multiple Locations Per Order Allow Sales Orders to have multiple locations. Your system configuration must already allow this. If this is not selected and multiple locations are found for orders, the order will be split by inventory location.
  • Static Carrier Used to default the EDI carrier SCAC.
  • Static Ship Method Used to default the NetSuite Shipping Item for this customer.
  • Ship Method Lookup For dynamically matching the Shipping Item based on the EDI data. Select where your partner provides carrier details. Used with the EDI Shipping Lookup to cross reference the EDI carrier to your shipping item if needed.
  • Lookup Sub-Customer by Ship To Entity Set on a parent customer when you want Sales Orders posted to child customers based on the Ship To location from the EDI order.
  • Split Orders by Ship To Address If you have the Multiple Shipping Routes feature enabled but want each Sales Order to ship to only one ship to location.
  • Split Orders by Store Location For SDQ orders, create individual sales orders for every Store (mark for) location on the order.
  • Location Sources To determine how the inventory Location should be set on a sales order.
  • Item Ship Date Source When partners require ship dates for the 855, choose the Sales Order field that will have the estimated ship date populated before being fulfilled.
  • Custom Item Ship Date Source The id of the field that the ship date for item acknowledgements will be sourced from if using a custom field option in the Item Ship Date Source option.
  • Use EDI Pricing Select if you want to use the item price provided in the EDI order. Otherwise, the NetSuite price will be used for all items.

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