Auto Packing
Auto packing is the process of creating cartons and assigning items to each carton. Packing is done on the Item Shipment.
Carton Fields
- Length
- Width
- Height
- Weight
- Custom Serial If generating your own SSCC serial number, enter it here
- Parent Carton If modeling pallets and cartons, this is the ID of the parent Pallet
- Tracking Number If shipping small parcel, enter the tracking number here
- Transit Days
- Is Pallet/Tare Check the box if this entry represents a Pallet/Tare
- SSCC18 This field is locked. It will auto populate with a unique serial number when using the Generate SSCC codes button.
Setup Items for Auto Packing
- Navigate to your Inventory Item and select the Orderful EDI tab.
- In the Units per Carton field, enter the number of units that would normally be packed in a shippable carton for this item.
- You can also mass update by leverage the CVS upload option in NetSuite.
Create Carton Entries
- From the Item Shipment, press the Auto Pack button.
- A Carton entry will automatically be created based on the Quantity Ordered divided by the Units per Carton for the item.
- The item will automatically be linked to the carton.
- Navigate to the Orderful EDI -> EDI Carton sub-tab
- Very you have the number of cartons expected.
- Enter any additional details you might need such as Tracking or dimensions.
Generating SSCC Serial Numbers(Optional)
If needed, Orderful can generate the SSCC serial number for your cartons. Once the carton entries are created, press the Generate SSCC Codes button. The SSCC18 field for each carton will automatically populate with a unique serial number.
Creating the EDI Advance Ship Notice (856)
When packing is complete, you're ready to start the Advance Ship Notice.
- If this is the first or only Item Shipment for the 856, Press the Generate 856 button
- This will create the Orderful Transaction record for the 856. You should see it link in the Created Orderful Transaction field if enabled on your form.
- If consolidating additional Item Shipments for a single 856, you can select the Orderful Transaction created in step 1 in the Created Orderful Transaction field. This allow you to combine all related Item Shipments to a single 856.
- Navigate to the Orderful Transaction record created in step 1.
- Press the Manual Send button. All linked Item Shipments will be compiled to create a single EDI 856 and post to orderful. The 856 will contain all cartons and pallets included across all linked shipments.
Updated 4 days ago