Custom Packing Source


To map an existing data source for packaging data, Orderful’s NetSuite Connector leverages user-generated Analytics DataSets. In order for a dataset to create a valid mapping, it requires only four primary columns. Pay close attention to the labels of each column as these must match expected values (not case sensitive).

Fulfillment - The native transaction reference (internal ID) of the item fulfillment that the pallet or carton belongs to.

Carton - A unique identifier of the carton. Usually, this is an internal or external ID that references the carton or pallet object. The carton column value is only meant to serve as an identifier for unique cartons, it is not sent within the 856 by default (see SSCCs, Tracking Numbers for references that get sent within the 856 document where the same data can be copied if desired).

Item - The native item reference (or raw internal ID) of the item packed in the carton. The Orderful connector will further process this item reference as needed into a formatted 856.

Quantity - A number representing the quantity in the item’s transaction UOM that is packed onto the carton.

Additional Optional Data

The following column labels are reserved for any additional data that may be required for sourcing packaging data on an outbound 856. The labels must match the columns on the analytics DataSet in order to map properly to an 856.

Carton SpecsPallet SpecsCarton/Pallet IdentifiersItems Attributes

Data Structure

Flat Data

All data provided must be flat. This means pallet, carton, and even item data may be repeated within the results table. See below examples.

No Required Filters

The dataset created to map packing data does not require any filters. Filters used within the Analytics DataSet will be ignored for the purposes of mapping packages to an item fulfillment. Orderful’s NetSuite Connector will filter the Analytics DataSet using the “Fulfillment” column when the 856 is generated.


Single Item Cartons

In this example, the Item Fulfillment contains two items, each is packaged separately in boxes of 50 units. INV_002 has a total quantity of 100 units across 2 boxes. No data about cartons is provided.


Simple Mixed Carton/Pallet Example

In this example, the Item Fulfillment contains two items, packaged in two mixed 50 unit cartons. The cartons are all on the same pallet.


Pallet-Only Example

This item fulfillment has a single pallet with items packed directly on the pallet (no cartons are specified).


How to Configure Custom Packaging Data Source

Create the Custom Source DataSet

Refer to documentation on NetSuite analytics or speak with your NetSuite technical expert about managing datasets.

Create a dataset of any type relevant to your packaging data. Commonly, this dataset will be based on the carton/package custom record object used by your app, bundle, or custom feature set. (For Orderful, the dataset type is “Carton”)

Ensure the dataset has the four required columns at minimum (labels are not case sensitive, but must otherwise match exactly):

fulfillment - the internal ID of the item fulfillment that a carton belongs to.

carton - any unique ID for a carton or pallet object.

item - the internal id of the item packed

quantity - the quantity of the specified item packed

Add other optional fields designated above

Add any other fields you would like to help with troubleshooting and designing the query. Make sure the labels of these columns do not interfere with the reserved labels specified above.

Give the dataset a name and a script ID in the info panel.

Test the dataset by filtering it to a specific, known, item fulfillment transaction and ensure that the filtered dataset has the right number of rows.

Copy the script ID of the dataset for use later.

Create a Package Data Source Record in NetSuite

Navigate to a customer record in NetSuite. This should be a customer you intend to send 856s to using the custom data source you’ve created. This does not need to be the only customer that leverages the data source.

Navigate to the EDI -> Order Management sub-tab.

Locate the field Packaging Data Source. Click the plus icon to create a new record.

Give the data source record a name and paste the script ID of the dataset in the appropriate field.

Optional: Set this new record on all relevant customer records manually, using inline editing on a search, or by CSV import.

Process 856s and review the packaging data.